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back to School: How You Can Help

School supplies and backpacks for low-income families in the Havre are Schools, K-8th grade, available at The Salvation Army.

Applications will be taken July 8th-August 12th

How Can I Help: You, your company, or your church can donate school supplies or money to purchase school supplies to the Salvation Army to help with this back-to-school program.

Supplies needed:   

*4 oz & 8 oz white School Glue          *5 subject notebook

*Glue Sticks                                         *2 pocket folders with prong

*Highlighters 3-pack                            *Dry Erase Markers

*Colored Pencils                                  *Zippered Binder

*#2 pencils  Not Dixon                        *Protractors

*Crayon 24 count                                 *Pencil sharpeners

*Markers-Washable cone-tip               *Blunt scissors

*Markers-washable small                    *Pointed student scissors

*Watercolors                                        *17” backpacks

* Wide ruled paper loose packages      *18’ backpacks

*1 Subject wide ruled notebooks         *19” backpacks

*College Ruled Paper loose packages  *Boxes of Tissue

*1 Subject college ruled notebooks      *Antibacterial Wipes

*3 ring binders 1” and 1 ½”                 *LG plastic pencil box

*Wide Ruled Paper loose packages      *Zippered pencil pouches

*Eraser caps                                          *Composition Notebooks

*Erasers-pink                                        *2 Pocket Folders (6 different colors)


Back to School Program

School supplies and backpacks for families in need in the Havre area (Havre Schools, K-12th grade) are available at The Salvation Army. Applications are being taken now.  Stop by the office and fill one out or contact us by email at or for an online application. Distribution time will be given during the application process.

Documentation needed for the application:

  1. Picture ID for the adult filling out the form
  2. Social Security Cards or Birth Certificates for every family member
  3. Proof of residency
  4. Proof of income or need
  5. The teacher's name is helpful

All information will remain confidential. 

The application must be in by August 12thFor more information call 265-6411.